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Selected Productions

The 25th Anniversary - Srebrenica Genocide Memorial

Special Concert Event

Memorial Center "Kovaci", Sarajevo - July 7, 2020

The Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra performed a premiere of a "Fatima" by Dino Zonic,  a special concert event for the 25th Anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide Memorial, 

with Samra Gulamovic, Conductor; Adema Pljevljak - Krehic, Mezzo Soprano; aria lyrics Edin Krehic.

A "Fatima" is a piece about the youngest victim of Srebrenica, a child that was born on the night she was killed. She got her name Fatima after they identified her in 2012.

In this way, we want to symbolically remember her and all victims of Srebrenica during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Through the language of art, emotion, and compassion, this event is our role for the future of the generations we hope to live in peace.

The live broadcast was made by National Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Symphonic Poem "Fatima" - Simfonijska Poema "Fatima" by Dino Zonic


Bosnian Rhapsody

Burbank - Los Angeles, January, 2019

The premiere of the Bosnian Rhapsody (Bosanska Rapsodija) chamber version by Dino Zonic was performed as a part of the renowned EMS Enlightenment Music Series. 

The United Through Music concert featured the renowned musicians Marina Manukian - violin concertmaster, Mark Baranov - violin, Maksim Velichkin - Violoncello, Mischa Lakirovich - Viola, Simone Vitucci - Violoncello, Bryan Pezzone - Piano, and  Filippo Voltaggio as Master of Ceremonies.

Dino Zonic - Burbank Concert

Article by Filippo Voltaggio - Host Life Changes Show

Los Angeles -
As the Century turned from the 20th to the 21st, there were many hopes and dreams created by millions of people throughout the world, of a Century of peace and love for all humankind.  One such particular dreamer and creator was a young Bosnian composer, and conductor, of creating unity through music, and of composing unifying orchestral pieces. Read more...

Fetzer Institute

​VR Project - 2018

Dino Zonic was the composer and producer for the Vortex Immersion Media, the "John Fetzer" VR (Virtual Reality), the Fetzer Institute project. 

Fetzer Institute

New Year's Eve Gala Concert


Bosnian National Theatre, Sarajevo, December 31st, 2018

Radio Sarajevo Article:​

Vienna's Atmosphere in Sarajevo

With the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Waltz Sounds in New Year 2019

As previously announced, this concert was an opportunity for the first time to hear the orchestral composition Bosnian Rhapsody (Bosanska Rapsodija), by Bosnian composer Dino Zonic.

In the framework of orchestral music, the author in this fifteen-minute work presents musical reminiscences and the mix of cultural influences that are encountered in our culture. 

Bosnian Rhapsody, whose premiere was conducted by the author himself was warmly accepted by the audience and it was awarded long-standing applause. 

The concertmaster of the orchestra, Marina Manukian (Enlightenment concert series) arrived from the US for this occasion, and the American motivational speaker Filippo Voltaggio (host of the Life Changes Show) appeared on the scene as a master of ceremony.

The “Unity Through Music” project was organized in association with: 

Marina Manukian, Violin/Concert Master, Artistic Director of Enlightenment Concert Series. The performing artists of Enlightenment Music Series are multi-generational expert chamber musicians, principal member of major orchestras, renowned soloists and Hollywood’s finest recording artists.

Filippo Voltaggio, speaker, author, and renowned host of the Life Changes Show, the Enlightenment Concert Series, and the Palm Springs Orchestra concert series.

Palm Springs Orchestra

​2015 - 2020

Dino Zonic is the Conductor and Producer of the Palm Springs Orchestra (PSO).

He directed numerous events in fundraising efforts for the PSO's concert seasons.



Palm Springs Symphony OrchestraBy Dave Nyczepir

World-renowned Maestro Dino Zonic shared his artistic vision for the newly created Palm Springs Symphony Orchestra on Saturday evening at the inaugural gala in Rancho Mirage at Dr. Raila and Dennis Horne's Mirada estate.

This gala event was part of the nonprofit Palm Springs Center for the Performing Arts' effort to fund the orchestra, a 7,000-seat outdoor amphitheater dubbed "The Palm Auditorium" — in the next five years.

PSO events included featured guests:

Chris Bennett, Grammy-nominated Composer, Pianist, Singer; Nikica Lesich, Pianist Virtuoso; Elizabeth Pitcairn, Violin Virtuoso - Performing with the famous Mendelssohn Red Stradivarius Violin; Little Stars, World Champion Girls Choir - Croatia; Boris Martinovich, Bass-Baritone - Croatia; Evgeny Tonkha, Cello; Eduardo Delgado, Pianist Virtuoso; Diana Grubisic Cirkovic – Harp, Piano; Anna Belaya, Soprano; Antonia Dunjko – Soprano; Daniel Hendrick, Tenor; Chika Inoue, Alto Saxophone, and Filippo Voltaggio, Master of Ceremonies, Host of "Life Changes Show". 



Gala Concert in Sarajevo

Bosnian National Theatre, May, 2005

In partnership with the Red Oak Productions and the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra, Maestro Zonic has co-produced and conducted a "United Through Music" Gala concert in Sarajevo.

For this special occasion, Dino Zonic directed his new orchestral piece "Symphony Entrata" commemorating fallen heroes defending the city of Sarajevo. 

The Gala event was conducted by Neal Gittleman - Conductor, Music Director Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, and Dino Zonic - Composer, Conductor, Director Stivers Philharmonic Orchestra.

Special guests:

Michael and Sandy Bashaw – Puzzle of Light

Almer Imamovic, Acoustic Guitar

Guest Orchestra members from Croatia, Serbia,

Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, and Albania.


W.S. McDowell,  Dayton Daily News:

It is difficult to describe what happened last night here in this city

they call the Jerusalem of Europe. Simply say it was one of the great triumphs

of the human spirit. The concert “United Through Music” at the National Theatre,

conducted by two renowned Maestros, Dino Zonic and Neal Gittleman,

provided a crowning culmination of such an astonishing week

of cultural and historical encounters.”

Musical Circle

European and USA Tour, 1995-2001

This is a tale of a people... And story of a Circle...

by Dino Zonic


Born out of the pain, terror, and devastation of the Siege of Sarajevo, CIRCLE, a Majestic Musical, is a story of unity & peace over hatred & tyranny. CIRCLE celebrates a triumph of the Human Spirit.

There is a light and shimmering thread that encircles and unites us all.

In this fine and glittering web we’re standing forever bound.”


Stivers Spectaculars - United Through Music

Concert Series

Dayton, OH, 2003 - 2006

As a director of the Youth Orchestra Program at the Stivers Philharmonic Orchestra, Dino Zonic has performed throughout Dayton, Ohio, a series of concert spectaculars co-produced in association with the Red Oak Productions.

The events are held at: Schuster Performing Arts Center, Victoria Theatre, Masonic Concert Hall, involving joined orchestras and members such: Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra, Miami Symphony Orchestra, Springfield Symphony Orchestra, Wright State University Orchestra, University of Dayton Wind Symphony Orchestra, Stivers Philharmonic Orchestra, community choirs, and special national and international guests. 

The concert series were performed along with Michael and Sandy Bashaw, and Puzzle of Light and musicians.

The number of students involved in this program received scholarships in music and continued their music education in colleges such: Berkeley, Brown, Oberlin, Wright State University, among others.

The United Through Music Spectaculars At the Schuster Performing Arts Center in Dayton, combined 375 students on the stage attracting public and media attention, followed by media outlets such as: NBC, FOX, PBS, NPR Radio, and Radio Voice of America.

The events generated $550,000 in revenue and tax credits to support a new Stivers School for the Arts campus and further music education in the Dayton community.

Dayton Peace Accords

& Dayton Peace Prize​

1995 - 2001

From 1995 - 2001, Dino Zonic continued his mission in the Dayton Peace Accords and Dayton Peace Prize as Cultural Ambassador of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Music Director and Composer in Residence of the University of Dayton. 

From 1995-2001, for the Dayton Peace Accords and Dayton Peace Prize Dino Zonic directed numerous events and designed cultural enrichment programs to expose the Bosnia and Herzegovina culture to American culture and lifestyle.​ ​


In honor of the First Recipient of the Dayton Peace Prize William Jefferson Clinton, Dino Zonic composed an original score, "Symphony Entrata," a Symphony for the fallen defending Sarajevo. The symphony was performed at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) Museum. Read more...

Good Will Games

Winter Games


Lake Placid, New York, February, 2000

Maestro Zonic written and conducted  the orchestration of the Led Zeppelin's classic “Kashmir

for the opening ceremonies of the Winter Goodwill Games 2000 in Lake Placid.

He leads the Crane School Symphony Orchestra with featured musicians Emir Nuhanovic, Clarinet – Director Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra; and Djamel Benyelles, Electric Violin.

Dino Zonic and Maria Russo

Masonic Temple, Dayton OH, 2005

As a guest conductor of the Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra Dino Zonic performed with opera diva and the champion of the Vienna Opera, Maria Russothe Aria ‘Suicidio’ from Opera “La Gioconda” by Amilcare Ponchielli. The performance was used for the motion picture “Immortally Yours”.

The University of Dayton eCommons

University of Dayton Sesquicentennial Celebration

Premiere the "Oratorium Gratias" by Dino Zonic

University of Dayton, OH, April 5, 2001

The University of Dayton Sesquicentennial Celebration will feature the premiere of a new piece commissioned for the celebration, "Oratium Gratias," created by Bosnian composer Edin Dino Zonic. The 15-minute Latin hymn, meaning "Prayer of Thanks," will be performed by the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Choral Union, University Chorale, and UD's Ebony Heritage Singers.

Concert for Peace

Memorial Hall in Dayton, OH, November, 1999

This gala concert featured the Dayton and Sarajevo philharmonic orchestras, and it's held in conjunction with activities commemorating the Dayton Peace Accords project that ended the Bosnian war. ​​The event featured also the Dayton Philharmonic Chorus, University of Dayton Choral Union, Omega Choir, Mt. Calvary Missionary Choir. The event was broadcasted through Time Warner and ThinkTV with a simulcast on WDPR/WDPG-FM.


By Mary McCarty - 11.22.1999

Working at University of Dayton, Bosnian Composer

Brings Music of Peace to Dayton Audience


Though his instruments and composing tools were destroyed by the bombs of war, the heart and soul of Edin Dino Zonic's music could not be crushed. From the ravages of war-tom Bosnia, it survived, flourished, and was recreated stronger and better than before.


Zonic, a music conservatory professor from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina devoted to preparing an inspirational "Concert for Peace" at Memorial Hall in Dayton.

This special event features the Dayton and Sarajevo philharmonic orchestras.

Aside from the arduous task of coordinating and leading travel for the Sarajevo Philharmonic and several European countries, Maestro Zonic had to transcribe “Shimmering Thread” from the Musical  Circle version— a musical message of hope and peace — to an orchestral / choral version which will close the commemorative concert.


"Maestro Zonic was the only artist-musician in Bosnia to compose music based on the siege and his experiences during the siege.” said Bruce Hitchner, Chairman of Dayton Peace Accords. ​

Maestro Zonic was equally excited in his announcement that a total of 400 artists – including members of both orchestras and a chorus. ​​ "He accomplished the task in record time" — less than a week, Hitchner said. 


Mark Fraze, a professional musician, renowned and highly regarded entrepreneur once he got to know Dino, who speaks with spellbinding emotion and conviction about the power of music, he realized, “He’s such a genius. Dino knows no rejection. His enthusiasm is amazing, but what’s amazing is that he’s a genuinely talented person. He’s the real thing, and I have faith in him.

This is a Cinderella story, and it's not over yet."

© 2019 by Dino Zonic

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